Digital Kit: Find out how they can help accelerate your business.


A company’s information is its most valuable asset. Nowadays, digital archives contain all the information on the operation, management and business value of digital archives, and therefore often become an easy target for cyber attacks. Even the smallest security breach in our network can have dire consequences, from being asked to pay huge sums of money due to the hijacking of information, to losing control of our business. That’s why it is important to have help from cybersecurity companies in Seville, or any city, to prevent these types of situations.

At Ekuánime we offer cybersecurity services, with the objective of preventing and solving these types of attacks while keeping your digital information safe at all times.

Normally, we tend to think that SMEs are exempt from malicious cyber-attacks, as they are smaller in size. However, the figures speak for themselves: 43%, that is to say, half of all attacks, are directed at these types of businesses. For such a company, facing a problem arising from the exposure of customer information or third party access to sensitive business information can be critical and can lead to the total demise of the company.

Therefore, in this day and age, it is vital to have an expert partner in cyber security for SMEs, in charge of reinforcing the entire protection network to prevent this type of attack. Ekuánime’s team of engineers will carry out an audit of your ICT systems to understand the state of your networks, and solve any type of breach that could be used by criminals to access data. Through this, we will carry out a series of tests and techniques such as vulnerability scanning, intrusion testing or risk assessment.

Cybersecurity experts for SMEs

We get involved with your company from the get go

Ekuánime’s modus operandi is far from conventional when it comes to carrying out a security audit. On the contrary, our team will not limit itself to the study of your systems and the correction of potential problems found in them, rather, we will draw up a personalised plan that we will involve you in at all times, helping you to understand your systems and accompanying you throughout the process of implementing the necessary measures.

As a cybersecurity company in Seville, we provide all the support needed during the implementation period, remaining as a member of your team and conducting regular reviews to ensure that the whole plan is working properly.

We secure your information, and therefore the continuity of your company.